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AquaGen in the NEWS:

January 11, 2024:  Pacific Northwest Mission Accelerator Center (Seattle Washington):  Ribbon cutting NATO-DIANA opening ceremony.


From Left to Right:  Sheri Sinn (PNDC), Denise Ryser (Executive Director, PNDC), Todd Woods, (Director, NATO-DIANA, PNDC), Chris Groves, (Director PNWMac), Afroza Damji, (MassChallenge), Ryan Cases, (District Director Congressmen Rick Larsen), Adrian Dan, (Chief Commercial Officer: NATO-DIANA), Jeffry Waye, (NSIN), Johannes Schonberg (Director, US Navy Techbridge), Justin Dunnicliff (Deputy Managing Director NSIN)

Below:  Rear Admiral, Charles Fosse (United States Coast Guard), Mac Brown (CEO of AquaGen).

December 8, 2023:  Minister Blair Congratulates Successful Canadian Innovators in First NATO-DIANA Challenges


As announced in 2022, NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) is coming to Canada, with its North American Regional Office finding a home in Halifax. NATO DIANA unites the best and brightest innovators from across the Alliance, and provides deep tech and dual-use innovators with access to NATO resources including grant funding, acceleration services, and pathways to adapt their solutions for defence and security needs.

In June 2023, NATO DIANA launched its first-ever competitive challenges, focusing on energy resilience, secure information sharing, and sensing and surveillance. Canadian companies submitted the second-highest number of submissions with 211, just behind the United States with 215. These numbers indicate the high interest among Canadian researchers and innovators in DIANA. Of the 44 successful companies announced last week by NATO, seven are Canadian.

Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, congratulated the seven Canadian innovators who were selected to advance in the first competitive challenges.  See Link

These innovators will receive funding and entry into phase one of the NATO DIANA accelerator “Boot camp”, where they will develop or adapt their technology for the needs of the Alliance. In addition, they will gain access to the NATO DIANA network of accelerators and test centres across Allied nations in North America and Europe.

Finally, Minister Blair confirmed that the interim location for the DIANA North American regional office has been secured, and will open by summer 2024 at the TD Centre at 1791 Barrington Street in Halifax. As he announced at this year’s Halifax International Security Forum, this will be supported by Canada’s initial investment of $26.6 million over six years.

Canada will continue to invest in our innovators, so that their technologies can meet the needs of our NATO Alliance in a changing world.

November 30, 2023:  AquaGen Awarded DIANA-NATO Prize:  Mac Brown, CEO of AquaGen, (Ottawa, Canada) says “We are very pleased that DIANA-NATO has selected our BARRACUDA micro-grid portable Hydro-Kinetic Energy System as a DISRUPTIVE, GAME CHANGING technology.  Barracuda is a light weight, high power density (50kWh/day), rugged, scalable, modular technology designed for an untapped energy resource:  shallow slow-moving streams and rivers. Barracuda has zero noise, smoke or heat signatures, built for rapid deployment Military use (Forward Operating Bases), Natural Disasters & for the Developing World.”


November 17, 2023:  AquaGen helps build the world's first Coral Reef powered by renewables.  See Gili Eco Site:

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AquaGen, low cost power from waves and very slow moving water in streams, rivers and canals. To learn more about how you can get involved, please fill in contact form here.  You can also email us at for product information, or if you want to be a distributor or reseller, you can email  For investing information, please email
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